The Classic Dueler’s League has postponed its championship weekend, which was originally planned for this weekend, the league announced today. The one-vs-one league based on the World of Warcraft Classic server Faerlina, where most popular streamers play, was started by streamer TipsOut and has drawn participation from content creators like Sodapoppin, as well as top WoW pros including Chuck “Cdew” Dewland and Kelvin “Snutz” Nguyen.
Due in part to Blizzard’s lack of commitment to WoW esports, the grassroots league was the first announced attempt at esports for Classic, boasting a $50,000 prize pool.The league’s announcement today disclosed several reasons for the postponement, including “holiday conflicts, administrative paperwork, and the arrival of battlegrounds.”
When the CDL schedule was originally revealed, Blizzard’s plan was to release battlegrounds at a later date in Classic. But following the release of Classic’s honor system, many content creators and players begged for Blizzard to implement battlegrounds as a way to remedy endless, chaotic world PvP that frustrated a large portion of the player base. In response, Blizzard released two battlegrounds earlier than expected this week. To enhance your adventure and compliment your gameplay, you can buy Vanilla WOW Gold from the reputable sellers in a safe secure environment and at cheap rates.

Due to this unforeseen circumstance, the CDL moved its championship coverage to Jan. 6 to 12, with the main competition happening on Jan. 11 and 12. “We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this delay may have caused our fans,” the league said. “The CDL has always been run by and for the World of Warcraft community, and the truth is we really want to do this right by you guys and our competitors.” In an attempt to make up for the postponement, the CDL added that it plans to “ramp up” production for the championship, including new casting talent and video content.
World of Warcraft Classic is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Blizzard and released globally on August 26, 2019.Players can choose from the eight original races and nine classes of WoW Classic.The game world is restored to its original, pre-Cataclysm state, and expansion areas such as Outland are not accessible.The maximum level of the game characters is set to 60.