Valve has released an update for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The latest update brings about a much requested change to the economy system alongside several changes to Danger Zone and the UI. From this point forward, teams will no longer be able to build up a loss bonus of $3,400 that will continue for multiple rounds. Upon their first win, teams will now drop down to $2,900. This has been asked for numerous times with other ideas being thrown into the mix as well. Valve released a new update to CS:GO today, which caps the round-loss bonus at five and introduces a few features to Danger Zone, the games battle royale mode.
Former Virtus Pro star Filip NEO Kubski is reportedly going to be taking Dauren AdreN Kystaubayevs place on the active FaZe roster, according to Cybersport pl. This change would end AdreNs stand-in period on FaZe, which lasted about five months in total. The source of the report seems to be information gathered by Twitter user Don Haci, based on a rough translation. So its unclear whether the roster move was confirmed by another source close to the team in addition to Don Hacis finding.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players may have noticed a small patch this morning. The hotfix is meant to address a relatively new exploit that allowed hackers to crash game lobbies but the fix, at least for now, means you won't be able to use the nearby lobby feature for the time being. From the sounds of things, CS:GO currently has an exploit that allows trolls to crash game lobbies. If you cherished this write-up and you would like to obtain a lot more data relating to CSGO Boost kindly pay a visit to the web site. They'll join an open lobby through the lobby browser or nearby feature, and then use the exploit to crash the game for everyone waiting in the lobby, apparently because they think that's more fun than actually playing Counter-Strike.
The legendary player joined a team of Polish rookies called Youngsters. They played their first match today against Epsilon at an online league called UCC Summer Smash. Although Youngsters lost 2-0, pashaBiceps performed well, with 40 kills and 36 deaths. He was by far the best player on his team. PashaBiceps gave a hint on Twitter yesterday that his fellow teammate Filip NEO Kubski isn't joining him on this new adventure anymore. The veteran has been signed by FaZe Clan, where he'll replace Dauren AdreN Kystaubayev and take on the in-game leader role for the international team.
The change should correct the game economy since, in the previous iteration, the team with a losing streak was gathering a lot of money and ended up controlling the economy after winning a couple of rounds. Valve is still trying to boost their battle royale mode. They have added a new item, the Drone Pilot. Now players can buy it with the tablet and use it to spy enemies, scout for resources, and carry items through the map. The update also corrects a bug related to the taser. Now, it will always open a crate. Before the patch, some tasers were only doing partial damage.